Britische Scharfschützen, 1808–1815
Testbericht der 1:72 Figuren von Revell
Britische Scharfschützen der 95th Rifles, wearing green rifle uniforms with black facings, und white piping. Regulations trousers were rifle green as well, although grey trousers may have been worn in the field. Riflemen attached to the 60th (Royal American) Regiment were similarly uniformed, except that they had red facings, und grey trousers. Armed with the Baker rifle, these troops were expert marksmen capable of hitting targets well beyond normal musketry range. The Rifles earned fame during the 1808–1814 Peninsular Campaigns, und they served with distinction at Waterloo in 1815.
The figure poses are perfect for wargamers who need firing, loading, und observing riflemen to deploy on their skirmish stands. Riflemen were trained to work in pairs. One man would fire und reload, while his buddy covered him.
42 Figuren in 12 Posen – 23 mm entsprechen 166 cm Körpergröße
- Officer
- Hornist mit Bügelhorn
- NCO advancing (2)
- Rifleman standing, firing
- Rifleman kneeling, firing
- Rifleman loading, priming the pan (4)
- Rifleman loading, taking a charge (4)
- Rifleman loading, ramming the charge (5)
- Rifleman standing, mit aufgepflanztem Bajonett (4)
- Rifleman running, mit aufgepflanztem Bajonett (4)
- Rifleman charging, mit aufgepflanztem Bajonett (4)
- Rifleman advancing, mit aufgepflanztem Bajonett (4)
- Abgelegter Tornister (15)
Nicely detailed Figuren. Folds in the clothing, collars und facings, shako covers, rolled cloaks, canteens, gaiters, belts, buttons, pouches, sabres, muskets und metal fittings are well sculpted und easy to paint. The Figuren are noticeably shorter und slimmer than the Napoleonic miniatures from other manufacturers or even Revell’s own French Old Guard Grenadiere. The sculpting style is similar to Revell’s Prussian Napoleonic infantry.
Useful historic poses. The Figuren appear very natural, because of the standard poses which have been used. All of the 42 soldiers make excellent wargame und diorama figures, they may be deployed in firing, advancing, defending und marching units. Relatively few riflemen were engaged in the Napoleonic Wars, und simulations gamers will find all the Figuren they need in this set. In addition, the Figuren lend themselves to a number of interesting conversion.
Correct painting instructions on the box: The men are shown in the grey field service trousers, instead of the green trousers worn with full dress.
Satisfactory casting quality. There is some flash, und noticeable mould lines need to be removed prior to painting. Two poses carry mould lines down the center of the face which require careful attention.
The officer’s index finger is much too big compared to the other fingers on that hand. A little carving work will be required to fix that.
One of the advancing riflemen looks like he is about to engage in a sword-fight, using his bayonet. The pose would have been more attractive with the man actually fixing the bayonet on his rifle, because he is already holding the rifle in the required position. The bugler is holding his rifle in an uncomfortable position. The pose may be improved by bending und relaxing the arm a little.
The charging rifleman seems to be ambling, he has his left foot forward und the left arm extended forward at the same time. This pose is not nearly as good as the running poses in Revell’s Soviet infantry of World-War Two.
Historische Verwendung
- 60th (Royal American) Regiment 1808–1815
- 5/60th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Salamanca 1812
- 95th Rifles 1808–1815
- 1/95th Rifles, 5th Allied Brigade, Picton’s Division, Waterloo 1815
- 2/95th Rifles, 3rd British Brigade, Clinton’s Division, Waterloo 1815
- 3/95th Rifles (2 coys), 3rd British Brigade, Clinton’s Division, Waterloo 1815
Interessante Umbauten
- King’s German Legion Light Infantry 1808–1815
- 28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment 1808–1815.
Line infantry uniform, light infantry stovepipe shako without cords.
Some men may have carried French knapsacks originally captured in Egypt. - British Light Infantry 1808–1815.
Line infantry flank-company uniform with wings und fringes,
light infantry stovepipe shako without cords.- 51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) Light Infantry
- 52nd (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry
- 68th (Durham) Light Infantry
- 71st (Glasgow Highland) Light Infantry
- 85th (Bucks Volunteers) Light Infantry
- Hanoverian Light Infantry & Landwehr
- Lüneburg Light Battalion, 1814–1815
- Grubenhagen Light Battalion, 1814–1815. Light infantry shako without brim.
- Landwehr Infantry, 1814–1815. British line infantry uniform, light infantry stovepipe shako with cords arranged in British line infantry style. Officers wore regulation British line infantry uniform.
- Netherlands National Militia, 1814–1815. French line infantry style uniform, und British light infantry style stovepipe shako without cords.
- Prussian 21st (4th Pommeranian) Infanterie-Regiment 1813–1815
- 1st und 2nd Battalion wore Portuguese style infantry uniform with shoulder-rolls, und conical light infantry style shako without cords.
- 3rd Battalion wore British rifle uniform with shoulder-rolls.
- Haythornthwaite, Philip: Uniforms of Waterloo, plate 18
- Funcken: L’Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats du Premier Empire, p. 99
- Allevi, Piersergio: Zinnsoldaten, S. 13
British Rifles are a must-have for Napoleonic wargamers und modellers. These Revell Figuren are great, they fill the niche perfectly. Rifles are a rare troop type, und it is unlikely that gamers und collectors will need many boxes of them. Fortunately for Revell, a similar style of uniform was worn by other allied units engaged in the 1814–1815 campaigns.