Schlacht am Bull Run, 21. Juli 1861

Bull Run (sprich bull-rann), ein Bach im Nordosten Virginias, der sich in einen Nebenfluss des Potomac ergießt, hat im nordamerikanischen Sezessionskrieg zwei Schlachten den Namen gegeben. Die erste fand 21. Juli 1861 statt. Auf unionistischer Seite befehligte McDowell, ihm gegenüber stand Beauregard. Die Ungeübtheit des zwar 35.000 Mann starken, aber meist aus unerprobten Milizen bestehenden Bundesheers, die langsame Ausführung der Dispositionen, vor allen Dingen aber das Eingreifen des südstaatlichen Generals Johnston im entscheidenden Augenblick mit 3000 Mann frischer Truppen hatten die Niederlage der Nordarmee zur Folge; nur die Brigade Blenkers hielt die Ordnung aufrecht. Der Verlust der Bundestruppen betrug 1500 Tote und Verwundete und fast alles Kriegsmaterial.
Die Zweite Schlacht am Bull Run fand 29. und 30. Aug. 1862 statt.
Army of Northern Virginia, Nordstaaten
- 1st Division, Brigadier General Daniel Tyler
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Erasmus D. Keyes
- 2nd Maine (Col. Charles D. Jameson)
- 1st Connecticut (Ltc. John Speidel)
- 2nd Connecticut (Col. Alfred H. Terry)
- 3rd Connecticut (Col. John L. Chatfield)
- 2nd Brigade, Brigadier General Robert C. Schenck
- 2nd New York (Col. George W. B. Tompkins)
- 1st Ohio (Col. Alexander M. McCook)
- 2nd Ohio (Ltc. Rodney Mason)
- Co. E, 2nd U.S. Artillery (Cpt. James Howard Carlisle)
- 3rd Brigade, Colonel William T. Sherman
- 13th New York (Col. Isaac F. Quinby)
- 69th New York (Col. Michael Corcoran)
- 79th New York (Col. James Cameron)
- 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Col. S. Park Coon)
- Co. E, 3rd U.S. Artillery (Cpt. Romeyn B. Ayres)
- 4th Brigade, Colonel Israel B. Richardson
- 1st Massachusetts (Col. Robert Cowdin)
- 12th New York (Col. Ezra L. Walrath)
- 2nd Michigan (Maj. Aldophus W. Williams)
- 3rd Michigan (Col. Daniel McConnell)
- Co. G, 1st U.S. Artillery, 2 Geschütze (Lt. John Edwards, Jr.)
- Co. M, 2nd U.S. Artillery, 4 Geschütze (Cpt. Henry J. Hunt)
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Erasmus D. Keyes
- 2nd Division Colonel David Hunter
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Andrew Porter
- 8th New York Militia (Col. George Lyons)
- 14th New York Militia, Brooklyn Chasseurs (Col. Alfred M. Wood)
- 27th New York (Col. Henry W. Slocum)
- U.S. Infantry Battalion, 8 Kompanien, (Maj. George Sykes)
- U.S. Marine Corps Battalion (Maj. Joseph G. Reynolds)
- 5th U.S. Cavalry Battalion, 7 companies, (Maj. Innis N. Palmer)
- Co. D, 5th U.S. Artillery (Cpt. Charles Griffin)
- 2nd Brigade, Colonel Ambrose Burnside
- 2nd New Hampshire (Col. Gilman Marston)
- 1st Rhode Island (Maj. Joseph P. Balch)
- 2nd Rhode Island (Col. John S. Slocum)
- 71st New York (Col. Henry P. Martin)
- 2nd Rhode Island Battery (Cpt. William H. Reynolds)
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Andrew Porter
- 3rd Division, Colonel Samuel P. Heintzelman
- 1st Brigade, Colonel William B. Franklin
- 5th Massachusetts (Col. Samuel C. Lawrence)
- 11th Massachusetts (Col. George Clark, Jr.)
- 1st Minnesota (Col. Willis A. Gorman)
- 4th Pennsylvania (Col. John F. Hartranft)
- Co. I, 1st U.S. Artillery (Cpt. James B. Ricketts)
- 2nd Brigade, Colonel Orlando B. Willcox
- 11th New York, First Fire Zouaves (Ltc. Noah L. Farnham)
- 38th New York (Col. J. H. Hobart Ward)
- 1st Michigan (Maj. Alonzo F. Bidwell)
- 4th Michigan (Col. Dwight A. Woodbury)
- Co. D, 2nd U.S. Artillery (Cpt. Richard Arnold)
- 3rd Brigade, Colonel Oliver O. Howard
- 3rd Maine (Maj. Henry G. Staples)
- 4th Maine (Col. Hiram G. Berry)
- 5th Maine (Col. Mark H. Dunnell)
- 2nd Vermont (Col. Henry Whiting)
- 1st Brigade, Colonel William B. Franklin
- 4th Division, Brigadier General Theodore Runyon
- Miliz
- 1st New Jersey Militia (Col. Aldolphus J. Johnson)
- 2nd New Jersey Militia (Col. Henry M. Baker)
- 3rd New Jersey Militia (Col. William Napton)
- 4th New Jersey Militia (Col. Matthew Miller, Jr.)
- Freiwillige
- 1st New Jersey Volunteers (Col. William R. Montgomery)
- 2nd New Jersey Volunteers (Col. George W. McLean)
- 3rd New Jersey Volunteers (Col. George W. Taylor)
- 4th New Jersey Volunteers
- 41st New York Volunteers (Col. Leopold von Gilsa)
- Miliz
- 5th Division, Colonel Dixon S. Miles
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Louis Blenker
- 8th New York (Ltc. Julius Stahel)
- 29th New York (Col. Adolph von Steinwehr)
- 39th New York (Col. Frederick G. D’Utassy)
- 27th Pennsylvania (Col. Max Epstein)
- Co. A, 2nd U.S. Artillery (Cpt. John C. Tidball)
- 8th New York Militia Battery (Cpt. Charles Brookwood)
- 2nd Brigade, Colonel Thomas A. Davies
- 16th New York (Ltc. Samuel Marsh)
- 18th New York (Col. William A. Jackson)
- 31st New York (Col. Calvin E. Pratt)
- 32nd New York (Col. Roderick N. Matheson)
- Co. G, 2nd U.S. Artillery (Lt. Oliver D. Greene)
- 1st Brigade, Colonel Louis Blenker
Army of the Shenandoah, Südstaaten
- Brigadier General Johnston
- Brigadier General Jackson
- 2nd Virginia Regiment (Col. James W. Allen)
- 4th Virginia Regiment (Col. James F. Preston)
- 5th Virginia Regiment (Col. Kenton Harper)
- 27th Virginia Regiment (Ltc. John Echols)
- 33rd Virginia Regiment (Col. Arthur C. Cummings)
- Rockbridge Artillery (Cpt. John P. Brockenbrough)
- Colonel Bartow
- 7th Georgia Regiment (Col. Lucius J. Gartrell)
- 8th Georgia Regiment (Ltc. William M. Gardner)
- Wise Artillery (Cpt. E. G. Alburtis, Lt John Pelham)
- Brigadier General Barnard Elliott Bee, Jr.
- 4th Alabama Regiment (Col. Egbert Jones)
- 2nd Mississippi Regiment (Col. William C. Falkner)
- 11th Mississippi Regiment, Comp. A & F (Ltc. Philip F. Liddell
- 6th North Carolina (Col. Charles F. Fisher)
- Staunton Artillery (Cpt. John Imboden)
- Brigadier General Edmund Kirby Smith
- 1st Maryland Battalion (Ltc. George H. Steuart)
- 3rd Tennessee (Col. John C. Vaughn)
- 10th Virginia (Col. Simeon B. Gibbons)
- 13th Virginia (Col. A. P. Hill)
- Culpeper Artillery (Lt. Robert F. Beckham)
- Artillerie
- Pendleton’s Battery (Cpt. William N. Pendleton)
- Thomas Artillery (Cpt. P. B. Stanard)
- Kavallerie
- 1st Virginia Kavallerie (Col. J. E. B. Stuart)
Army of the Potomac, Südstaaten
- Brigadier General Beauregard
- 1st Brigade, Brigadier General Milledge L. Bonham
- 2nd South Carolina Regiment (Col. Joseph B. Kershaw)
- 8th South Carolina Regiment (Col. E. B. C. Cash)
- Radford’s Squadron, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Col. R. C. W. Radford)
- Radford Rangers (Cpt. W. Radford)
- Botetourt Dragoons (Cpt. A.L. Pitzer, Lt. Breckinridge)
- Hanover Light Dragoons (Cpt. Wm. C. Wickham)
- Fairfax Cavalry (Cpt. E.B. Powell)
- Munford’s squadron, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Ltc. Thomas T. Munford)
- Black Horse Troop (Cpt. Wm. H. Payne)
- Chesterfield Troop (Cpt. Wm. B. Ball)
- Franklin Rangers (Cpt. G.W.H. Hale)
- Alexandria (VA) Battery (Cpt. Delaware Kemper)
- nicht beteiligt – 11th North Carolina Regiment (Col. William W. Kirkland)
- nicht beteiligt – 3rd South Carolina Regiment (Col. James H. Williams)
- nicht beteiligt – 7th South Carolina Regiment (Col. Thomas G. Bacon)
- nicht beteiligt – 8th Louisiana Regiment (Col. Henry B. Kelly)
- nicht beteiligt – 1st Company, Richmond Howitzers (Cpt. John C. Shields)
- 2nd Brigade, Brigadier General Richard S. Ewell
- 5th Alabama Regiment (Col. Robert E. Rodes)
- 6th Alabama Regiment (Col. John J. Seibels)
- 6th Louisiana Regiment (Col. Isaac G. Seymour)
- 1st Company, Washington Artillery (Cpt. Thomas L. Rosser)
- Virginia Cavalry battalion (Ltc. William H. Jenifer)
- Governor’s Mounted Guard (Cpt. J.G. Cabell)
- Goochland Light Dragoons (Cpt. J. Harrison)
- Rappahannock Cavalry (Cpt. J.S. Green)
- 3rd Brigade, Brigadier General David R. Jones
- 17th Mississippi Regiment (Col. Winfield S. Featherston)
- 18th Mississippi Regiment (Col. Erasmus R. Burt)
- 5th South Carolina Regiment (Col. Micah Jenkins)
- Appomattox Rangers, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Cpt. Joel W. Flood)
- 2nd Company, Washington Artillery (Cpt. Merritt B. Miller)
- 4th Brigade, Brigadier General James Longstreet
- 5th North Carolina Regiment (Ltc. J. P. Jones)
- 1st Virginia Regiment(Maj. Frederick G. Skinner)
- 11th Virginia Regiment (Col. Samuel Garland, Jr.)
- 17th Virginia Regiment (Col. Montgomery D. Corse)
- 24th Virginia Regiment (Col. Peter Hairston Jr.)
- Amherst Rangers, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Cpt. Edgar Whitehead)
- 3rd Company, Washington Artillery (Lt. John J. Garnett)
- 5th Brigade, Colonel Philip St. George Cocke
- 8th Virginia Regiment (Col. Eppa Hunton)
- 18th Virginia Regiment (Col. Robert E. Withers)
- 19th Virginia Regiment (Ltc. John B. Strange)
- 28th Virginia Regiment (Col. Robert T. Preston)
- 49th Virginia (3 Kompanien) (Col. William „Extra Billy“ Smith)
- Wise Troop, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Cpt. John S. Langhorne)
- Loudoun (VA) Battery (Cpt. Arthur L. Rogers)
- Lynchburg Artillery (Cpt. H. G. Latham)
- 6th Brigade, Colonel Jubal A. Early
- 7th Louisiana Regiment (Col. Harry T. Hays)
- 13th Mississippi Regiment (Col. William Barksdale)
- 7th Virginia Regiment (Col. James L. Kemper)
- 4th Company, Washington Artillery (Lt. Charles W. Squires)
- Abteilung Evans, Colonel Nathan G. Evans
- 1st Louisiana Battalion (Maj. Chatham R. Wheat)
- 4th South Carolina Regiment (Col. J. B. E. Sloan)
- Campbell Rangers, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Cpt. John D. Alexander)
- Clay Dragoons, 30th Virginia Cavalry (Cpt. William R. Terry)
- Artillery battery (Lt. G. S. Davidson)
- Reserve, Brigadier General Theophilus H. Holmes
- 1st Arkansas Regiment (Col. James F. Fagan)
- 2nd Tennessee Regiment (Col. William Bate)
- Purcell (VA) Artillery (Cpt. R. Lindsay Walker)
- Hampton’s SC Legion (Col. Wade Hampton III, Cpt. James Conner)
- Camp Pickens Battery (Cpt. Sterrett, C.S. Navy)
- Barnard: The battle of Bull Run (New York 1862)
Quelle: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Auflage 1905–1909