Britische Infanterie Division, 1944
Truppengliederung & Ausrüstung

A 6 pdr anti-tank gun of a divisional anti-tank regiment. The Airfix model of the 6 pdr has been spray-painted Humbrol 159 »Khaki Drab«, highlighted with 30 % white. Anti-tank regiments had four batteries of twelve guns each. The Batterie consisted of three troops with four guns in two sections. Anti-tank regiments of infantry divisions were equipped with 6 pdr anti-tank guns, to be replaced by the more powerful 17 pdr anti-tank guns as they became available. In addition to the divisional anti-tank assets, each infantry battalion had an anti-tank platoon with three sections of two 6 pdr anti-tank guns. The 6 pdr anti-tank gun was served by two Loyd Carriers. Vehicles carried numbered und colour-coded Tac Signs on the right fender. The two-coloured tac signs shown below were actually arranged with the first colour above the second colour, not adjacent to each other.
Britische Infanterie Division 1944
- Divisional Headquarters (white tactical signs) 40
- Divisional Troops (white tactical signs)
- Recce Regiment 41
- Machine Gun Battalion 64
- Royal Artillery
- Headquarters 40
- Field Artillery Regiment 42
- Field Artillery Regiment 43
- Field Artillery Regiment 44
- Anti-Tank Regiment 46
- Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 47
- Royal Engineers
- Headquarters
- 3 Field Companies
- 1 Field Park Company
- 1 Bridging Platoon
- Infantry Brigade
- Brigade Headquarters 81
- Infantry Battalion 55
- Infantry Battalion 56
- Infantry Battalion 57
- Battalion Headquarters
- Headquarters Company
- Motor Platoon
- Carrier Platoon (mounted in 13 Bren Carriers)
- Anti-Tank Platoon (6 × 6 Pdr Anti-Tank Gun)
- Engineer Platoon
- 4 Rifle Companies
- Company Headquarters
- 3 Infantry Platoons
- Infantry Brigade
- Brigade Headquarters 87
- Infantry Battalion 60
- Infantry Battalion 61
- Infantry Battalion 62
- Infantry Brigade
- Brigade Headquarters 94
- Infantry Battalion 67
- Infantry Battalion 68
- Infantry Battalion 69
Vehicles carried the Battalion Tac Sign on the right front und rear fender, und the divisional symbol on the left fender. The two-colour Tac Signs shown above actually had the first colour above the second colour, not next to each other.