Britische Fallschirmjäger, 1942–1945
Testbericht der 1:32 Figuren von Airfix

These Airfix 1:32 scale British Paratroops are a significant improvement over the earlier Airfix paras which were released in 1:76 scale. Airfix did upgrade some of its early 1:76 scale figure sets, but unfortunately these superb Figuren were not released in the smaller wargaming scale. Somehow, ESCI picked up these miniatures und released them as a 1:72 scale plastic model kit with 13 Figuren in eight poses, including a prone PIAT gunner. This sought-after kit has been unavailable for some time. If the moulds or master models of the superb Airfix British Paratroops are still around, some manufacturer ought to release them in 1:72 scale.
14 Figuren in 7 Posen – 52 mm entsprechen 166 cm Körpergröße
- Para Officer with Sten SMG (1)
- Para NCO with Sten, Handgranate werfend (2)
- Para Funker (1)
- Para Bren Gunner (2)
- Para standing, firing Rifle (3)
- Para kneeling, firing Sniper Rifle (2)
- Para advancing with Rifle und fixed Bajonett (3)

Gute Themenwahl, these British Paratroops, wearing the Smock, Denison, Airborne Troops over Battledress, with 1937 Pattern Web Equipment, and Helmet Steel Airborne Troops (HSAT), are very attractive figures, but they are produced in the wrong scale. The smaller 1:76 or 1:72 scale Figuren are more popular with wargamers und diorama builders who need so many of these troops.

Superb sculpting und anatomy. This is the industry standard against which other British Paratroop Figuren must be judged.

There are enough poses in the set to recruit a British Parachute Infantry Section of 10 men. Only the 2″ Granatwerfer will have to be scratchbuilt from sprue und plastic card. Three boxes of these rare Figuren are required to raise a paratroop platoon.
Die Zahl der Posen may be increased by swapping heads among the Figuren.

The sniper may be converted to a rifleman simply by slicing the scope off his rifle.
Cheap, but badly done 1:72 reproductions of the Airfix Paras occasionally turn up at toy stores. These Figuren have different heads with a plain para Helm. If they were of a better production quality, these copies might actually be worth the effort of converting them back to British Paras.
These vintage Airfix 1:32 scale British Paratroopers are sometimes sold individually at about the same price an entire box of them used to cost in the old days. It’s unfortunate that these wonderful miniatures have never been released as a 1:72 scale plastic figure set. One wonders why manufacturers like Heller or HäT Industrie do not downsize these Figuren now und release them again.