Star Wars Imperial Scout Troopers

Imperial scout troopers, also known as scout stormtroopers or biker scouts, are elite stormtroopers trained for reconnaissance, infiltration, und sabotage operations behind enemy lines. The smallest tactical formation is the Lance of four scout troopers und a Sergeant. Scout troopers wear a lighter version of the stormtrooper plastoid armour, und a Helm with macro-binocular viewplate und sensor array which provides a 180-degree field of vision. They are armed with the SororSuub Q-2s5 MOA blaster pistol, thermal detonator, flares, und concussion grenades. Scout snipers use the E-11s or DC-15x sniper rifle, or a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifles with sniper scope. Scout vehicles like the Aratech 74-Z military speeder bike, AT-ST scout walker, und other patrol craft provide mobility und additional firepower.
The scout trooper shown here is a 1:76 scale compatible miniature from MicroMachines, attached to a length of Federstahldraht to support his speeder bike in flight.
- Biker Scout, 1:6 Hasbro 16857
- Scout Trooper auf Speeder Bike, 1:6 Gentle Giant 6984
- Scout Trooper, 1:7 Kotobukiya
- Scout Biker (Endor Ambush Set), 1:20 Hasbro 41443
- Rebel Storm Booster Pack, 1:51 Star Wars Miniatures ISBN 0-7869-3477-8
- 33/60 Scout Trooper
- 34/60 Scout Trooper auf Speeder Bike
- Attack on Endor Scenario Pack, 1:51 Star Wars Miniatures ISBN 0-7869-4160-X
- AT-ST Scout Walker
- Scout Trooper
- Star Wars Imperial Scout Troopers (9), 1:76 Galoob Toys 66080-13
- Star Wars Collection 4 (Scout Trooper), 1:76 MicroMachines 66020-4
- Action Fleet Vehicles 8 (Scout Biker), 1:76 MicroMachines 66118