Britisches Royal Artillery Field Regiment
Truppengliederung & Ausrüstung
The Regiment (RHA) or Field Regiment (RA) consisted of a regimental headquarters und three batteries with a total of 24 guns. The field Batterie had two troops of four guns each. The troop commander, a captain, served with the observation party, which operated a Carrier, Armoured Observation Post vehicle equipped with two wireless sets. The gun position officer (G.P.O.) was in charge of the four gun detachments which made up his troop. The fighting echelons of the field battery were supported by A und B Echelons at the battery und regimental level. The observation parties of field regiments attached to armoured divisions were equipped with the Ram II or Sherman Tank, Observation Post.
British Artillery Field Regiment, 1943
Regimental Headquarters
- Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Officer
- Subaltern
- Driver
- Car, 4-seater, 4×4
- Orderly
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Subaltern, Signal Officer
- Batman/Driver
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep) (Regtl. Signals)
- Signaller
- Driver/Signaller
- 2 Wireless Sets № 19
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×4, personnel (Regtl. Signals)
- Major, 2nd in Command
- Signaller
- Driver
- Car, 4-seater, 4×4
- Wireless Set № 22
- Orderly, Motor-Cycle, solo
- Despatch Rider
- Motor-Cycle, solo (Regtl. Signals)
- Survey Officer
- Battery Surveyor
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
Adjutant’s Party
- Captain, Adjutant
- Sergeant, Clerk
- Duty Sergeant
- Driver
- Vehicle Mechanic
- 2 LMG Numbers
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, personnel
- 2 Bren LMG
- Orderly
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Corporal, Signaller
- 2 Signallers
- Driver/Mechanic
- Rear Link Wireless Set № 19
- Forward Control Wireless Set № 19 H.P.
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×4, personnel (Regtl. Signals)
- Signal Sergeant
- Motor-Cycle, solo (Regtl. Signals)
- Despatch rider
- Motor-Cycle, solo (Regtl. Signals)
Regimental Survey Party
- Survey Sergeant
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Battery Surveyor
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- 2 Battery Surveyors
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- 2 Battery Surveyors
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- 2 Battery Surveyors
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- Survey Stores
Regimental Headquarters Group
- Regimental Sergeant Major (R.S.M.)
- 2 Clerks
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, office
- Office Equipment
- Medical Officer (M.O.)
- Batman/Driver
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- Medical Officer’s Orderly
- Sanitary Duty Man
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- Medical Stores
- 2 Signallers
- Driver/Signaller
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, Wireless, House Type (Regtl. Signals)
- Wireless Set № 22
- Corporal, Lineman
- 2 Linemen
- Driver
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep) (Regtl. Signals)
- Trailer, 10-cwt
- Cable Layer
- 2 Corporals, Signallers
- 4 Signallers
- 2 Linemen
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S. (Regtl. Signals)
- Signal Office
- P.I.A.T.
- Corporal, Electrician
- Instrument Mechanic
- Signaller
- Cook
- Driver/Mechanic
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S. (Regtl. Signals)
- 6 kw Charging Set
- Bren LMG
- 3 Linemen
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep) (Regtl. Signals)
- Despatch Rider
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep) (Regtl. Signals)
- Despatch Rider
- Motor-Cycle, solo (Regtl. Signals)
Regimental B Echelon
- Quarter Master (Q.M.)
- Batman/Driver
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- Water Dutyman
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, water
- Cook
- 5 Batmen
- Butchery Dutyman
- 2 LMG Numbers
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- Cooking Sets
- Rations
- 2 Bren LMGs
- P.I.A.T.
- Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant (R.Q.M.S.)
- Storeman
- Clerk
- 2 Cooks
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- Q.M. Stores
- Sergeant, Storeman (technical)
- Storeman (technical)
- Sergant Armourer (R.E.M.E.)
- Artificer (R.A.)
- 2 Vehicle Mechanics
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- M.T. Stores
- Petrol
R.E.M.E. Light Aid Detachment
- WO 1, Armament Artificer
- Sergeant, Vehicle Mechanic
- Car, 4-seater, 4×2
- Storeman
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Storeman
- Fitter
- Driver/Mechanic
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4
- Stores & Tools
- Electrician (Vehicle & Plant)
- Welder
- Fitter
- Driver/Mechanic
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4
- Stores & Tools
- Fitter
- Driver/Mechanic
- Truck, 3-ton, 6×4, MT Breakdown
Field Battery
- Major, Batteriechef
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Driver/Mechanic (A.F.V.)
- Carrier, Armoured Observation Post
or Light Tank, Observation Post in Armoured Divisions - 2 Wireless Sets
or 3 Wireless Sets in Light Tank, Observation Post
- Observation Post Assistant (O.P.A.)
- Batman
- Driver
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- Scout Car (1945)
- Orderly
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Subaltern, Command Post Officer (C.P.O.)
- 2 C.P.O. Assistants
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- Wireless Set
- 4 Signallers
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- Subaltern (Assistant C.P.O.)
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- C.P.O. Orderly
- Motor-Cycle, solo
Observation Party
- Captain, A Troop Commander
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Driver/Mechanic
- Carrier, Armoured Observation Post
or Tank, Observation Post in Armoured Divisions - 2 Wireless Sets
or 3 Wireless Sets in Tank, Observation Post - Scout Car (1945)
- Signaller
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Captain, B Troop Commander
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Driver/Mechanic
- Carrier, Armoured Observation Post
or Tank, Observation Post in Armoured Divisions - 2 Wireless Sets
or 3 Wireless Sets in Tank, Observation Post - Scout Car (1945)
- Signaller
- Motor-Cycle, solo
G Party
- A Troop
- Subaltern, A Troop Gun Position Officer (G.P.O.)
- G.P.O. Assistant
- Batman
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2
- Wireless Set
- W.O. 3, Troop B.S.M.
- Artificer (R.A.)
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4 (Jeep)
- 4 Signallers
- Observation Post Assistant (O.P.A.)
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- B Troop (same as above)
Battery Headquarters Party
- Captain, 2nd in Command
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2
- Wireless Set
- Orderly
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- Subaltern, Assistant Command Post Officer (C.P.O.)
- C.P.O. Assistant
- Clerk
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2
- A.C.P.O. Stores
- Sergeant (Battery Signals)
- Motor-Cycle, solo
- 4 Signallers
- 2 LMG Numbers
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S. (1945)
- 2 Bren LMGs
- P.I.A.T.
Gun Group
- A Troop
- Subaltern, A Troop Leader
- G.P.O. Assistant
- Batman
- 2 Driver/Signallers
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2
- Wireless Set
- 5 Signallers
- 2 LMG Numbers
- Batman
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, G.S.
- 2 Bren LMGs
- P.I.A.T.
- Gun Section
- Gun Detachment
- Gunner № 1 Gun Commander, Sergeant
- Gunner № 2 Rammer
- Gunner № 3 Layer
- Gunner № 4 Loader
- Driver/Mechanic
- Driver
- Tractor, 4×4, Field Artillery,
with 24 Rounds HE, 8 Rounds AP - Ammunition Trailer with 32 Rounds
- 25 pdr Field Gun/Howitzer
- Gun Detachment (same as above)
- Ammunition Detachment
- 2 Gunners № 5 Fuse Setter
- 2 Gunners № 6, 2nd in Command
- Driver/Mechanic
- Tractor, 4×4, Field Artillery,
with 24 Rounds HE, 8 Rounds AP - 2 Ammunition Trailers with 32 Rounds each
- Gun Detachment
- Gun Section (same as above)
- B Troop (same as above)
- Battery Sergeant-Major
- Vehicle Mechanic
- Car, 5-cwt, 4×4
Ammunition Group
- 5 Gunners, Ammunition Numbers
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- 184 Rounds of Ammunition
- 3 Batmen
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- 184 Rounds of Ammunition
- Vehicle Mechanic
- Sanitary Dutyman
- 2 LMG Numbers
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- 112 Rounds of Ammunition
- Camouflage Stores
- Bren LMG
- P.I.A.T.
Battery B Echelon
- Battery Quarter Master Sergeant (B.Q.M.S.)
- Clerk
- Storeman
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- Q Stores
- Storeman (technical)
- Equipment Repairer
- Electrician (Regtl. Signals)
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- M.T. Stores
- 1260 Watt Charging Set
- Vehicle Mechanic
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- Petrol
- Corporal, Cook
- 5 Cooks
- Driver
- Truck, 3-ton, 4×4, G.S.
- Cooking Sets
- Rations
- Water Dutyman
- Driver
- Truck, 15-cwt, 4×2, water
Field Battery (same as above)
Field Battery (same as above)
Wargamers may want to build their field regiments from the individual gun troop up. If the guns are firing off-table, only the observation party of that particular troop is required in miniature.