Polygonal Redoubt
50 × 50 cm Terrain Module
1:72 Scale Scenery for Simulation Games

The photo shows a typical polygonal redoubt suitable for wargames from the 16th to 19th century. The redoubt is permanently mounted on a 50 × 50 cm terrain module which interlocks with similar modules to form a large wargame table-top. The redoubt has been built from 5 mm foamcore covered with a mixture of white glue und sand. The walls are actually too steep to represent temporary fieldworks. Earthen ramparts have a gradient fill angle of 34 degrees or less, unless they are revetted. In the case of temporary military fieldworks, retaining walls were often made of wood taken from buildings in the immediate vicinity. The model shown here has ammunition storage chambers below ground level, und a small wooden bridge leading across the ditch. The fortification is occupied by American infantry und artillery of the Revolutionary War.
Tools & Materials
- 10 mm Chipboard, cut to 50 × 50 cm
- 5 mm Foamcore
- PVA Glue
- Interior Filler
- Acrylic Paint
- Size 5 Flat Brush
- Static Gras
Small terrain modules like this polygonal redoubt are generic enough to be used in wargames of the Renaissance, Seven Years’ War, Napoleonic Wars, und early colonial period of warfare. Due to its size, this terrain piece is most suitable for skirmish wargames using a groundscale between 1:50 und 1:100. If larger groundscales are used, the model might represent a fortified town or city section occupied by several regiments of infantry.