105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1

Die 105 mm Feldhaubitze shown here was manufactured in 1940 und it served in the French army during World War Two. The howitzer is on display at the Musée de l’Armée in Paris. The olive drab camouflage paint has faded to a greyish green on the exposed outer surfaces of the howitzer shield und wheel rims. The original olive drab colour can still be seen on less exposed parts of the howitzer trail, shield, breech und recoil mechanism. The 105 mm M2 field howitzer became the standard light field howitzer of many NATO armies after World War Two, und upgraded versions of this weapon remain in service in many countries around the world.
Bekannte Modelle
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:35 Italeri 319
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 20 mm Raventhorpe
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 20 mm RAFM
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:76 AB Figures AP7
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:87 ROCO 183
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:100 Roskopf 107
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 15 mm Peter Pig 28
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 15 mm Forged in Battle A-81
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:285 GHQ US8
- 105 mm Feldhaubitze M2.A1, 1:300 Heroics & Ros US28
Technische Daten
- Obusier de 105 mm sur Affût tracté M2.A1
- Typ: Haubitze
- Kaliber: 105 mm
- Kaliberlänge: L/23
- Schussweite: 11.430 m
- Feuergeschwindigkeit: 15 Schuss pro Minute
- Durchschlagsleistung auf 0–100 m:
- 102 mm mit H.E.A.T.
- Bedienung: Geschützführer + 7 Artilleristen
- Funcken: L’Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats de la Guerre 1939–1945, p. 121
- Hogg, Ian: Artillerie des 20. Jahrhunderts

Plaque on the howitzer shield, Musée de l’Armée, Paris

Breech mechanism, Musée de l’Armée, Paris

Recoil mechanism № 8734 (Rock Island Arsenal 1943), Musée de l’Armée, Paris
Historische Verwendung
- US Army 1940
- French Army 1943
- NATO 1949
Interessante Umbauten
- NATO 105 mm Field Howitzer (L) M2.A1/A2, 1962-today
The 105 mm field howitzer M2.A1 was an important field artillery weapon during World War Two which continues to serve in many armed forces around the world.