The Fortifications of Malta 1530–1945
From the Knights of Malta to British Rule

The Island of Malta occupies a pivotal position in the Mediterranean, forming an outpost between North Africa and the soft underbelly of Europe. Such has been its strategic importance throughout the years that it has become one of the most fortified places in the world. Following the successful defence of the island during the Great Siege of 1565, the Knights Hospitaller built new walls and fortifications. These defences failed when Napoleon occupied Malta in 1798, and the island was retaken by the British in 1800. From this point onwards, Malta’s defences were modernised throughout the 19th century and the island’s final test came during World War II. This book examines all these different styles of fortification from the 16th to the 20th century.
- Titel: The Fortifications of Malta 1530–1945
- Epoche: Mittelalter bis 2. Weltkrieg
- Typ: Militärgeschichte
- Autor: Charles Stephenson
- Illustrator: Steve Noon
- Format: 64-page book
- Sprache: Englisch
- Verlag: Osprey Publishing, Botley, England
- ISBN: 9781841766935
- Publiziert: 2004
- Chronology
- Malta under the Knights Hospitaller, 1530–1798
- Britisch Imperial Malta, 1800–1939
- World War II and the second siege, 1939–1945
- Malta today
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
This edition of the Osprey publications is an excellent study of the medieval to modern fortifications on the island of Malta. Period photos, fortification plans and cutaway drawings explain the layout and purpose of key installations found on the island, many of which are open to visitors. »The Fortifications of Malta« is a handy tourguide for history buffs, wargamers and modellers visiting the island. Diorama builders are sure to be inspired by the great number of masonry towers, walls, and forts, as well as the occasional concrete bunker located on site or found in the book.