Warhammer 40k Squats in Splinter Pattern Camouflage Uniforms
Scale Camouflage Painting Techniques
Space Dwarfs wearing splinter pattern uniforms. These 1:55 Scale Games Workshop Squats for Warhammer 40k have been undercoated in a light sandcolour artist acrylic paint. Olive Green und Earth Brown disruptive splinter pattern camouflage splotches were then painted on. The Figuren were washed with watered down Pelikan Sepia Drawing Ink to accentuate facial details und folds in the clothing. Once the wash had dried, the uniforms were drybrushed with Light Ochre acrylic paint. Weapons und ammunition pouches were drybrushed Schmiedeeisen und Light Olive Green, respectively. The figure bases have been covered in a mixture of white glue, fine sand, und kitty litter stones, painted Napoleonic French Artillery Green und drybrushed Desert Sand.
The Figuren are wearing yellow und green battalion patches on their left breast pocket, und a panther claw regimental emblem painted on the Helm. The bald-headed troopers has a panther claw tattoo on the back of his head. Diluted Pelikan Prussian Blue Drawing Ink was used to paint this tattoo. The Squat infantry squad is defending the roof of a native adobe hut, build from Foamcore und painted with sand-textured acrylic household paint.