17. to 20. July 1997
Columbus, Ohio
Miniature Wargame Convention
WANTED: „Veteran HMGS GAME-MASTERS“ to attend Origins’97 absolutely free for the „HOP“ (HMGS Origins Project) register by 25 MAY ’97.
PLEASE Come und GameMaster a few historical wargames, HELP HMGS TO:
- Recruit new his.gamers from the alt.gamers pool, AND
- To make ORIGIN’s a better place for Historical Gamers.
HOP Project open to all Historical Gamemaster’s willing to run a few Quality Historical Miniatures Games und help us promote the hobby. [We can even find you a cheap place to stay at OSU!] You WON’T be dissappointed. We have arranged with ORIGINS for HMGS-Gamemasters to get a free „full-access“ badge.
ORIGINS’97 will surely have *more* for _Historical_GAMERS_ than one can take in! Including this year: extensive historcal miniature’s gaming, alt.gaming, computer und boadgames, und the WAR College und Military historical seminars... Not to mention TOM CLANCY as the „bigshot-Guest.“ [that’s not an alt.guy BTW he’s ’up our alley!’]
To „sign-up“ to run HMGS games for HOP email Chris at:
To register by snail mail
Chris Von Fahnenstock
Director, HOP ’97
HMGS Origins Project
1061 Bertram Ave
Dayton, OH 45406
(513) 276-2336
He’ll give you the details needed to be an official HMGS GameMaster at ORIGINS97. PLEASE DO SO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE because the Program goes to press in JUNE!! our DEADLINE IS 25 MAY 97 ...
See you there! [and ALSO i hope at HISTORICON the Following WEEK.] best,
Captain Peter F. Panzeri