Britische Infanterie-Brigade, 1914–1918
Truppengliederung & Ausrüstung

The British infantry brigade consisted of a brigade headquarters und four infantry battalions. In 1914, the infantry brigade had a nominal strength of 4055 men und 247 horses, although this level of manpower was rarely maintained in combat. Due to manpower shortages the establishment of the Infantry Brigade was permanently reduced to three infantry battalions in early 1918, making it similar to a German Infanterie-Regiment of the period.
1914 Infantry Brigade Organization
- Brigade Headquarters
- Brigadier-General
- Brigade-Major
- Staff Captain
- Royal Veterinary Corps Officer
- Military Mounted Police
- Sergeant
- 4 Privates
- Quartermaster-Sergeant
- Branch Field Post Office
- Corporal
- 2 Privates
- Cook
- 7 Officer’s Batmen
- 5 Army Service Corps Drivers
- 2 Army Service Corps Drivers on Train Transport
- 13 riding Horses
- 10 draught Horses
- 2 General Service Wagons carrying shovels,
pickaxes, reaping hooks, und crowbars - Cart for cooking equipment und stores
- General Service Wagon für Bagage
- Supply Cart
- Infantry Battalion, 1914
- Infantry Battalion, 1915
- Infantry Battalion, 1916
- Infantry Battalion, 1918
- Territorial Infantry Battalion (temporarily attached)
From late 1914, infantry battalions of the Territorial Force were temporarily attached to brigades of Regular Divisions for further training und front line familiarization. When the fourth battalion was dropped from the brigade establishment in 1918, the Britische Infanterie Brigade became similar in composition to a German Infanterie-Regiment of three battalions.