
Aufmarsch und Bereitstellung der Polizeitruppe, Mai 1914

German Askari paramilitary police.

German Polizeitruppen in the colonies were established under the direct supervision of the civillian authorities there, with the exception of the „Chinesen-Polizei“ which served under the Kiautschou Gouvernement.

The Figuren shown here are Airfix Japanese infantry, converted to German East-African Polizei-Askari. The steel helmet has been carved into a pillbox cap. Other Japanese Figuren wearing a field cap with neck flap may be converted in a similar fashion. The advantage of using the Airfix Japanese Figuren is that they already wear the proper type of puttie. The Matchbox Japanese figure set will be useful as well, it contains machine gunners und several kneeling Figuren which may be converted to assistant machine gunners.

The khaki police uniform with field grey putties, brown shoes und leather pouches is the same as that worn by Schutztruppe Askari soldiers, with the addition of a white oval badge above the left elbow with a red letter P (Polizei). Rank was indicated by a perfectly triangular khaki badge on the upper arm, one point down, with one to four red chevrons inside: Gefreite (senior private), Unteroffizier or Sergeant (corporal), Vizefeldwebel or Vizewachtmeister in mounted units (sergeant), Feldwebel or Wachtmeister in mounted units (sergeant major). Togo Polizei soldiers wore a similar uniform, but they had a much lower cap, not unlike a 1813 Prussian Landwehr Schirmmütze with the visor removed, red with a black tassel in the rear, no putties und bare feet.

Deutsch-Ostafrika, May 1914

  • 4 Offiziere
  • 61 weiße Polizeiwachtmeister
  • 147 schwarze Unteroffiziere
  • 1863 schwarze Askari
  • Knüppel-Askari

Deutsch-Südwestafrika, May 1914

  • 7 Offiziere
  • 9 Köpfe Verwaltung
  • 68 Polizeiwachtmeister
  • 432 Polizeisergeanten
  • 50 Vertragspolizisten
  • Schwarze Polizeidiener

Kamerun, May 1914

  • 4 Offiziere
  • 37 Köpfe weißes Personal
  • 1255 Mann
  • Zoll

Togo, May 1914

  • 2 Offiziere
  • ? weiße Polizeimeister
  • 530 schwarze Unteroffiziere und Soldaten

Südsee, May 1914

  • Deutsch-Neuguinea
    • 19 weiße Polizeimeister
    • 670 schwarze Polizisten
  • Deutsch-Samoa
    • 1 weißer Polizeimeister
    • 30 Fita-Fita
    • 20-25 Landespolizisten

Kiautschou, May 1914

  • Europäischer Stab
  • 60 Chinesen

For a list of other German forces in the colonies, please refer to Marine und Schutztruppe.

Figuren und Fahrzeuge des 1. Weltkrieges