M5A1 Half-Track

Testbericht des 1:76 Modells von Fujimi

Fujimi M5A1 Half-Track with ring mount in British service.

The Fujimi model shown here is advertised as an M3A1 Half-Track, but the flat section mudguards, the hinged top section of the hull sides, und the Fahrzeug dimensions point to a M14 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage supplied to Britain under Lend-Lease und re-converted to the M5A1 Half-Track configuration. The mine racks on either side of the Fahrzeug should be left off to recreate the M14 conversion which did not receive these racks. The Fahrzeug driver und crew Figuren need to be replaced with a British crew. The .50 Cal. heavy Machine Gun may be replaced by a .303 Bren LMG scrounged from Revell’s 8th Army Infantry figure set, although British half-tracks did carry the .50 Cal. Machine Gun as well.


  • M5A1 Half-Track with ring mount
  • Recon Jeep mit .50 Cal. Browning M2 Maschinengewehr
  • 6 American Soldiers
  • Nass-Abziehbilder für US-Fahrzeuge


Excellent choice of subject, converted M14 Multiple Gun Motor Carriages were used as M5 und M5A1 Half-Track personnel carrier in the motorized infantry battalions attached to British armoured formations.

Scale model with good detail.

Armoured windshield covers, side und rear doors may be modelled in the open or closed position. Compared to the Airfix M5A1, the Fujimi M5A1 is the better for collectors und diorama builders interested in modelling the half-track with doors und open windows.

Kompatibel mit Airfix, Matchbox, Nitto, Crusader Models, JB Models, Milicast und Cromwell Models.

The Fujimi model is incorrectly advertised as a White M3A1 Half-Track serving with the US Army, when in fact it is a British M5A1 Half-Track conversion of the IHC M14 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage manufactured by International Harvester Co. of Chicago, Illinois.

The Fujimi model of the M5A1 Half-Track is an excellent choice for wargamers who are looking for a nicely detailed armoured personnel carriers to equip their British Motor Battalions. The Fujimi M5A1 Half-Track is perfectly Kompatibel mit the Airfix M5A1 Half-Track with winch.

Fujimi Modellbau

M5 Half-Track Personnel Carrier